Conference in 2017 [Japanese]  <  >

Conference/Meeting (place) Date Type Title
Author (ºPresenter)
10th EU-Japan Joint Symposium on Plasma Processing [JSPP-2017] (Okinawa, Japan) Dec 5, 2017 [I] Smart disinfection technique using peroxynitric acid (HOONO2) in cryo-preserved plasma-treated water with the reduced-pH method [I-15]
ºKatsuhisa Kitano, Satoshi Ikawa, Yoichi Nakashima, Atsushi Tani, Norihito Kawashita, Yusuke Kawashima, Takashi Yokoyama
Plasma Conference 2017 [PLASMA-2017] (Himeji, Japan) Nov 23, 2017 [O] Identification of key chemical component in PTW (plasma-treated water) for peroxynitric acid (HOONO2) [23Gp-03]
ºKatsuhisa Kitano, Satoshi Ikawa, Yoichi Nakashima, Atsushi Tani
Nov 24, 2017 [P] Production process of peroxynitric acid in PTW (plasma-treated-water) [24P-113]
ºYuma Endo, Katsuhisa Kitano, Satoshi Ikawa, Yoichi Nakashima, Atsushi Tani
日本惑星科学会2017年秋季講演会 (大阪大学, 豊中) Sep 27, 2017 [O] 土星衛星エンセラダスのプリューム組成に対する氷・クラスレートハイドレート形成の影響 [S9]
º西谷 隆介, 谷 篤史, 佐々木 晶, 木村 淳
日本防菌防黴学会 第44回年次大会 (千里ライフサイエンスセンター, 豊中) Sep 27, 2017 [P] 過硝酸溶液を用いた新しい殺菌手法の提案 [2P-Aa04]
º北野 勝久, 井川 聡, 中島 陽一, 谷 篤史
ILTS Symposium: H2O Science – 2017 (Sapporo, Japan) Sep 15, 2017 [O] Inclusion of ammonium ions into clathrate hydrate in a subsurface ocean of icy moon
ºRyusuke Nishitani, Atsushi Tani, Sho Sasaki, Jun Kimura
78th JSAP Autumn Meeting, 2017 (Fukuoka, Japan) Sep 5, 2017 [O] Production process of peroxynitric acid in plasma-treated water (PTW) [5p-S22-11]
ºKatsuhisa Kitano, Satoshi Ikawa, Yoichi Nakashima, Atsushi Tani
23rd International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry [ISPC23] (Montréal, Canada) Aug 4, 2017 [O] Peroxynitric acid (HOONO2) is the active component in cryo-preserved plasma-treated
water with the reduced-pH method for effective and safety disinfection
ºKatsuhisa Kitano, Satoshi Ikawa, Yoichi Nakashima, Norihito Kawashita, Atsushi Tani
26th Annual Meeting of the Japan Institute of Energy (Nagoya, Japan) Aug 2, 2017 [O] Water/tetrahydrofuran hydrate partition coefficient for ammonium ion [2-4-3]
ºRyusuke Nishitani, Atsushi Tani, Sho Sasaki
JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017 (Chiba, Japan) May 23, 2017 [P] The effect of clathrate formation on concentrations of ammonia and ammonium ion in a subsurface ocean of Enceladus [PPS01-P10]
ºRyusuke Nishitani, Atsushi Tani, Sho Sasaki, Jun Kimura
電気化学会第84回大会 (首都大学東京, 八王子) Mar 25, 2017 [O] カルボキシレートアニオン型ホスホニウムイオン液体の物性と準包接水和物生成に及ぼすアニオン構造依存性 [1I26]
º嶋田 仁, 綱島 克彦, 谷 篤史, 岩崎 和紀, 津田 哲哉, 桑畑 進